
Make Your Space More Interesting Without Using Pinterest

Posted on September 19, 2017

Whenever you want to add something interesting or creative to a room the first place everyone goes for ideas is Pinterest. I challenge you to spice up at least one room in your home by changing something that is already there without using Pinterest. Try to not dive into a complex crafting or renovating project. Instead find simple items and change their purpose, or remove and add different objects to the room. Here are some tips to have a creative, Pinterest-free space.

Plants are one of my favorite things to use when finding a new purpose for an old item. If you are getting bored with boring pots for plants then don’t use them. Basically anything that is metal, glass, or any other water proof material, that holds something can be a new home for a plant.  Some easy and attractive substitutes are candle holders, old tea or coffee cups, and elegant glassware.






After you have added the splash of nature in the room the next thing you could do to add variety is add at least one object to your space that is creative, vintage, or quirky. These types of objects are great for conversation starters and they are even more fun when they are truly a part of the space and not just put on display. One idea is to use a vintage phone or clock rather than a new or modern one. The possibilities are endless here.

Don’t be stifled by the limited selections at your average department stores. I recommend browsing antique and thrift stores without having a specific object in mind to look for. This way your mind is open to many possibilities and you are more likely to not overlook something that could be very interesting and creative in your space. Try stopping at that yard sale you would normally pass up. Another great place to look is auctions and I cannot stress that enough! Auctions can have the coolest items you have ever seen at extraordinary prices. To find that perfect item you must be patient, don’t force it. You will know when you find your perfect signature piece.









The key to having a fun but comfortable room is to incorporate items that create interest, and stay away from having your room look too “matchy”. You may need to use your interesting pieces to replace items that are too cookie-cutter with the rest of the decor. By completing this challenge today you will be one step closer to having a space no one wants to leave. What are you waiting for?


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